A dance/movement therapy blog providing information regarding dance movement therapy education, training and events. The site is based at Montreal, QC Canada


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Post from DMTAC board members

Hello everyone,

2011 marked an important year as it is when the Dance Movement Therapy Association in Canada (DMTAC) was formed. We have been active in pushing forward new possibilities for training, advocacy and connecting dance movement therapy students and professionals.
2 Workshops were given this fall by Denise Nadeau (MDiv, DMin, BMPP) on Embodying Gratefulness which brings together the Body-Mind Psychotherapy practice of embodiment with the spiritual practice of gratefulness.
ADTA (American Dance Therapy Association) alternative route accreditation: We have been working diligently to find the most time effective and educational ways to become a dance movement therapist while in Canada. On January 17th, 2012 we had a first teleconference with International Subcommittee and Members at Large for ADTA Canadian Membership. Participants discussed the history of Canadian Membership and MALs, possibilities for joint association collaboration and other questions. If you are interested in listening to the call, please send your request to dancetherapyca@gmail.com . The replay line for this call will be available until December 1st, 2012.